3 - Mixers with an auxiliary postfader send per channel.
a - Connect the PGM IN (21) of the adapter to the AUX output of the mixer.
b - Connect the OUTPUT (22) to one channel of the mixer.
c - The PGM BYPASS (23) switch must be OFF.
d - All the channel auxiliary sends must be open except the adapter’s channel.
The advantage of this connection is that there is a dedicated channel for the adapter. The
coupling is avoided because the auxiliary send volume of the adapter’s channel is set to minimum.
The adapter’s signal can be processed by all the cannel features (sensibility, equalisation, output
fader,...). It is not possible to talk to the listener trough the telephone line by means of a microphone
and headphones connected to the mixer. Because there is only one auxiliary send, an external
source must be used to send a signal to the listener while is waiting.
4 - Mixers with more than one auxiliary postfader send per channel. The connection is the
same than in case 3. A signal, different of the program, can be send to the listener while is waiting.
To do so, connect an auxiliary output not used for the program to the AUX IN (19) of the adapter and
then create the signal without using the aux send of the adapter’s channel.
4.1. Start up
Push the RED switch (18) and the built-in green light will shine. The CALL (8-13) LEDs will
flash while the system reset is done.
4.2. External telephone set connection: answering a telephone call off-air
Two external telephone sets can be connected to the TEL (25-27) inputs of the adapter.
The connection to the telephone lines is automatic and can be used as usual when the lines are not
holded or the adapter is switched off. Having an external telephone set is useful because calls can
be answered before being on air and calling outside the studio is also possible. If no external
telephone set is connected then the lines can only receive calls.
External telephone set is automatically disconnected when the HOLD (10-15) button is
pressed and reconnected when it is pressed again. So, if we have hanged the telephone set, the call
will be lost but, if not so, we can continue the conversation with the external telephone set and, for
example, get information that should not be broadcasted.
4.3. Incoming call
The CALL (8-13) LEDs will flash whenever an incoming call is received.
The HOLD (35-39) LEDs on the remote control have two functions. They flash when a call
is received and remain permanently lit when the call is holded.
4.4. Holding an incoming call
Press the correspondent HOLD button (10-15) to retain a call. The HOLD LEDs (9-14) will
shine. If the HOLD button is pressed again, the call is not retained anymore and will be lost if no
external telephone set is connected or if it is hanged. Both telephone lines can be independently and
indefinitely holded. If the ON AIR button (11-16) is pressed the call is automatically holded and the
caller can hear one of the following signals: