The eUC106 connection is done by stripped cable, to be connected directly to the
amplifier. The power selector, located in the upper part of the spherical loudspeaker,
allows selecting the unit's working mode and power, using a flat screwdriver:
40 WRMS @ 8Ω
32 / 16 / 8 / 4W @ 100V
16 / 8 / 4 / 2W @ 70V
eUC106 is supplied with the switch in the 70V / 100V position. If you
accidentally connect the system to a low impedance 8Ω line, it will not harm
the speaker, but the speaker will perform below its real performance level. If
the speaker is in the 8Ω posit
ion and is accidentally connected to a 70V / 100V
line, it will be seriously damaged.