Cablite® VR LED Lighting System Installation Manual Rev 2.1
Electronic Controls, Inc.
7073 North Atlantic Ave. Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
P a g e
The EMERGENCY lights are connected through a second 8’ cable as shown in
. There should
be two and only two downlights connected for emergency.
NOTE: Connecting more than two will shorten the emergency lighting time.
With all downlights connected, remove the plastic cover from the POS terminal of the battery and connect
RED wire from control board to battery POS terminal. The EMERGENCY downlights should light at
this time if battery is fully charged.
Apply AC power to CabLite system. All downlights should light. Adjust the brightness of the
downlights through the on board or external potentiometer. See Figure 3 - CabLite VR Emergency
When complete replace cover.
Allow 24 hours for battery to fully charge
LED Replacement
Insert the #10 torx into the center hole of the lens as shown in Figure 10 - LED Removal to
unscrew lens assembly.
Figure 10 - LED Removal
Drop assembly down as shown in Figure 11 - LED assembly replacement.
Note: VR2.25 12 Volt option shown. Procedure is the same for all LED downlights.
Disconnect the 2 connectors from assembly and connect to new assembly. Connectors positions
are interchangeable.
Note: If Power is on, the LED assembly should light once connection is made.
Place assembly back into can and secure with #10 torx.