1041317-0001 Revision G
Before you begin
You have 30 days from the date the new modem is shipped to you to replace
the old modem
. Hughes Customer Care authorizes and enables replacement
over the satellite network and this authorization expires after 30 days.
Be aware that this process takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.
You will not be able to use the modem to get to the Internet while in
You will be getting a new default WiFi password, network names (SSIDs),
and default factory settings for all WiFi options with your new modem.
This means all devices that were using the WiFi on the old modem will
be disconnected once you power on the new modem.
If you have customized WiFi configuration (such as WiFi SSIDs,
password, or any network setting) on your old modem, we recommend
that you take note of them and set them up the same way on the new
modem. This will prevent you from having to manually enter the new
SSID, password, or network settings on each of your devices.
This is explained in further detail on
page 8
If you prefer to use the default WiFi SSID and password that came with
the modem, they are located on the white label at the back of the new
modem as shown in the example below.
With this method, you will have to enter
the new SSID and password on each of
your devices.
The SSIDs for both the 2.4GHz and
5GHz networks are listed.
The password listed is the same for
both networks.
Make note of the following information for later use:
RMA number
from the UPS return label (See
Figure 9
Your Site Account Number (SAN)
from your HughesNet bill/statement
Serial number
of the new modem labeled on the box as S/N. (
Figure 7
While unpacking the new modem
it is important to keep
the following items:
Box and packing material:
these will be reused to return your modem
UPS return label
UPS Packing Slip
UPS return label and packing slip
can be found in the pouch
attached to the outside of the box.