Wireless TimeClock Configuration Guide
Holiday Shut-Off
The Holiday Shut-Off feature provides a way to turn lights OFF and suspend
scheduled Events (per Group) for a specified period of time (1–7 days). The
default duration is one day.
When Start Shut-Off is selected, a five-minute countdown begins. At any time
during this countdown, the Holiday Shut-Off can be canceled by pressing
After five minutes have lapsed, the Shut-Off executes an OFF command for the
specified Groups and the Home Screen shows the time remaining before the
Holiday Shut-Off expires. To reinstate the normal Event schedule, press [Hold].
Configure Holiday Groups
Each Group can be individually configured to be excluded from the Holiday
Shut-Off schedule. By default, every Group is shut OFF by the Holiday Shut-Off
schedule. To exclude a Group, set the Group to Unaffected so the Group’s
scheduled Events execute normally.
1. Select
Holiday Shut-Off
from the Main Menu and press [Enter].
2. Scroll to
Config Holiday Groups
and press [Enter]. The Group numbers
are listed with their current Shut-Off setting.
3. Press [Up] or [Down] to locate a
to modify, and press [Enter] to
4. Press [Up] or [Down] to scroll the options,
, and
press [Enter] to select.
5. Repeat for all the Groups you want to configure.
Set Holiday Shut-Off Duration
Set the Holiday Shut-Off duration, from one to seven days. The default
shut-off duration is one day.
1. Select
Start Holiday Shut-Off
from the Holiday Shut-Off menu and
press [Enter].
2. Press [Down] to focus on
Shut-Off for
and press [Enter] to modify.
3. Press [Up] or [Down] to change the number of days (1–7), and press
[Enter] to select.
Holiday Shut-Off
H o l i d a y S h u t- O f f
S h u t o f f l i g h t i n g a n d
i g n o r e s c h e d u l e d
E v e n t s i n t h e
c o n f i g u r e d G r o u p s.
S t a r t S h u t- O f f
S h u t- O f f f o r:
d a y s
H o l i d a y S h u t- of f
B e g i n s i n 4:59
L i g h t s s h u t o f f
a n d s c h e d u l e d
E v e n t s o n H o l d
f o r 2 d a y s.
[E n t e r] t o S t a r t n o w.
[B a c k] t o C a n c e l.
Start Holiday Shut-Off
Config Holiday Groups