Windows default audio playback device
Your Indigo product will automatically be set up as the default Windows audio
playback device. To confirm or change this, you need to access the “Sounds and
Audio Devices” control panel. The following examples are for the original Echo
Indigo product, but apply to Indigo io and Indigo dj as well.
Simply select “Start/Control Panel” and open the “Sounds and Audio Devices”
control panel. Then, select the “Audio” tab. If you just installed the hardware, you
should see “Indigo 1-2 Virtual Out” as the default playback device:
If you aren’t hearing any audio out of your Indigo, you can use this control panel to
make sure that Indigo is selected as your default playback device.
These directions are for Windows XP; accessing this control panel under other
versions of Windows will be slightly different.