ASIO Driver Installation
The ASIO driver is automatically installed on your system at the same time
the Echo Layla/Gina/Darla driver is installed. To use it:
1. If you already own a copy of Steinbergs’ VST program, skip to step 3.
2. On the installation CD, run the program:
\Audio Software Demos\Steinberg\CubaseVST demo\VSTdemo.exe
which will install a fully functional demo of this program. What fully
functional means is that all of the features are in place so you can really
put the program through its paces. The only thing disabled is the ability
to save. If you want save your work, you must buy the program. That's
the way it works.
3. Start CubaseVST or CubaseVST demo
4. Go into menu
Audio - System
. Select the "
" option in the
ASIO device
5. Click the OK button.
6. It is best to load or create a song and verify that the driver is functioning.
7. The default latency is about 187 milliseconds using an 8k buffer. This
may be changed in the dialog box found in menu
Audio - System
select the
ASIO Control panel
button. Choose a buffer size between 1K
and 64K. The smaller the buffer, the lower the latency. At 1K, the
latency is 25 milliseconds.
8. You can change the data and buffer sizes in the ASIO Control panel
without leaving VST provided you respond consistently to the dialog
boxes. In other words, if you change the buffer size in the ASIO Control
panel and select the Ok button, you must also press the Ok button in the
next dialog which says:
Change ASIO Device: All Fx and Bus Settings will be lost!
Choosing the Cancel button will result in no more sound until you exit
VST and restart it.
9. When using the ASIO driver with more than one card, you must be sure
they are synched using either the Word Clock (Layla only) or S/PDIF
(Layla & Gina). This involves the appropriate cabling and enabling the
clocks in the console(s). See section “
The Clocks Settings
” in the Gina
or Layla manual for details. If you fail to do this, the driver will now
display a warning dialog. You will not be able to continue until the