ECG HK 115 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 23






Read carefully and save for future use!


 The safety measures and instructions, contained in this manual, do not include all conditions and 

situations possible. The user must understand that common sense, caution and care are factors that cannot 
be integrated into any product. Therefore, these factors shall be ensured by the user/s using and operating 
this appliance. We are not liable for damages caused during shipping, by incorrect use, voltage fl uctuation or 
the modifi cation or adjustment of any part of the appliance.

To protect against a risk of fi re or electric shock, basic precautions shall be taken while using electrical 
appliances, including the following:

1.  Make sure the voltage in your outlet corresponds to the voltage provided on the appliance label and 

that the socket is properly grounded. The outlet must be installed according to valid safety instructions.

2.  Do not operate straightener with a damaged cord. 

All repairs including cord replacements shall be 

performed by a professional service centre! Do not remove protective covers of the appliance, 
risk of electric shock!

3.  Protect the appliance against direct contact with water and other liquids, to prevent potential electric 

shock. If the hot air straightener falls into water, unplug the cord from the outlet immediately.

4.  Do not leave the hot air straightener running unattended. For safety reasons, switch off  the straightener 

each time you lay it down.

5.  Leaving the hot air straightener cord connected to outlet unattended is not recommended. Disconnect 

the cord from the electrical outlet prior to performing maintenance. Do not pull the cord from the outlet 
by yanking the cable. Unplug the cable from the outlet by grasping the plug.

6.  Do not allow the cord to touch hot surfaces or lead the cord over sharp edges.

Do not wrap the cord around the body of the straightener.

8.  Do not spray any aerosols or water into the straightener and do not stick your fi ngers or other objects 

into the straightener.

9.  Do not use the straightener outdoors or in moist environments. Do not touch the cord or straightener 

with wet hands. Risk of electric shock.

10.  Close supervision is necessary for operating the straightener near children!
11.  Clean the air inlet grille on a regular basis to remove all potentially blocking obstacles. Make sure you do 

not leave hair near the inlet grille.

12.  If the air fl ow is blocked while the straightener is running (e.g. dirt or fl ock of hair), the built-in fuse 

automatically switches off  the straightener. The appliance automatically tars again after cooling (i.e. after 
several minutes).

13.  To prevent hair damage, do not block the air inlet grilles with hair wrapped around brush too tightly, 

particularly with respect to the selected power.

14.  Do not use accessories that the manufacturer does not recommended. Exchangeable accessories become 

hot during operation. This eff ect is normal and is the result of the appliance functioning properly!

15.  The appliance may be used by children 8 years or older and by persons with reduced physical or mental 

capabilities, if they are under supervision or if they have been instructed in the use of the appliance in 
a safe manner and understand the potential risks. Children must not play with the appliance. Children 
must not carry our cleaning and maintenance of the appliance, unless they are 8 years or older and 
under supervision. Children younger than 8 years have to be kept away from the appliance and its power 

16.  Use the toaster only in accordance with the instructions given in this manual. This straightener is 

intended for domestic use only. The manufacturer is not liable for damages caused by the improper use 
of this appliance.

Содержание HK 115

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Страница 23: ... Do not allow the cord to touch hot surfaces or lead the cord over sharp edges 7 Do not wrap the cord around the body of the straightener 8 Do not spray any aerosols or water into the straightener and do not stick your fingers or other objects into the straightener 9 Do not use the straightener outdoors or in moist environments Do not touch the cord or straightener with wet hands Risk of electric ...

Страница 24: ...airflow speed 2 high airflow speed It is also equipped with the COOL cool air control slide suitable for fixing or drying hair This slide has the following positions Front lower thermal power Back normal thermal power Using cool air on the final drying phase is advised after fixating your created hairstyle Note Using lower power is recommended for people with coloured brittle damaged and fine hair...

Страница 25: bristles are friendlier to the hair Straightening comb The special structure of the half rounded straightening comb ensures hot air is directed to the scalp and maximum hair lifting at the roots This gives your hair the optimum look and makes final hair fixing easier The nozzle concentrates the airflow to dry small areas of hair Hanger The hanger enables you to store the straightener rendering ...

Страница 26: ...sal of electric and electronic equipment valid in EU member countries and other European countries with an implemented recycling system The represented symbol on the product or package means the product shall not be treated as domestic waste Hand over the product to the specified location for recycling electric and electronic equipment Prevent negative impacts on human health and the environment b...

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Страница 28: ...printing errors contained in the product s user s manual GVS cz 2013 Výhradní zastoupení pro ČR K B Progres a s tel 420 272 122 111 U Expertu 91 e mail ECG kbexpert cz 250 69 Klíčany zelená linka 800 121 120 CZ Distribútor pre SR K B Elektro Media k s Mlynské Nivy 73 tel 421 232 113 410 821 05 Bratislava e mail ECG kbexpert cz SK Wyłączny przedstawiciel na PL K B Progres a s U Expertu 91 250 69 Kl...
