Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
NA611-S & NA611-SA User Manual
Copyright ©2012–2022
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
one socket is supported, we define it as single-mode transparent transmission, and when multiple channels are
supported, we define it as protocol transmission.
4.3.1. Transparent transmission
Transparent transmission means that the device works in TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP Server, and UDP Client
mode without enabling MQTT, HTTP, Modbus gateway and other protocol functions.
1. TCP Server
Let the device work as a TCP server, and the network device and the computer connect to the NA611-S through the
TCP client.
2. TCP Client
Make the device work as a TCP client, connecting to the configured server.
3. UDP Server/UDP Client
Select the IP and port sent by the fixed network of the UDP Client device, and automatically forward the data to the
target IP and port configured by the device after the serial port receives the data. Select the UDP Server device to
record the IP and port of the last communication, and automatically forward the data after the serial port receives
data to the recorded IP and port.
4.3.2. MQTT Mode
In the MQTT mode, the device supports IoT platforms such as Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Cloud, and OneNet. The
service parameters created on the platform can be entered into the device to communicate, and the QoS0, QoS1,
and QoS2 service quality levels are supported, and the address can be configured with a maximum of 72 characters.
productKey: Ali product key, Baidu device key, ONENET device ID, the maximum configurable length is 64 bytes
deviceName: Ali device name, Baidu user name, ONENET product ID, the maximum configurable length is 64
deviceSecret: Ali device key, Baidu password, ONENET authentication information, the maximum configurable
length is 96 bytes;
Publish and subscribe topics up to 128 bytes.
1. Standard MQTT3.1.1 protocol
Based on the standard MQTT3.1.1 network communication, you need to fill in the relevant parameters (such as:
Client ID, User Name, Password, etc.) to log in to the server, and support three service quality levels (QoS0, QoS1,
2. Ali Cloud
For network communication based on Alibaba Cloud platform, you need to log in to Alibaba Cloud to obtain
relevant parameters, including product secret key, device name, client ID and other information.
3. Baidu cloud