Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Copyright ©2012–2018,Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
Assume that there are traces with large electromagnetic interference (high-frequency digital, high-frequency
analog, power traces) around the module that will greatly affect the performance of the module. It is
recommended to stay away from the module according to the strength of the interference.If necessary,
appropriate isolation and shielding can be done.
If the communication line uses a 5V level, a 1k-5.1k resistor must be connected in series (not recommended,
there is still a risk of damage);
Try to stay away from some physical layers such as TTL protocol at 2.4GHz , for example: USB3.0;
Onboard PCB antennas should avoid conductors or other sources of interference.
4.2 Software editing
Insert the module on the user's circuit board, use the microcontroller to communicate with the module via SPI
or serial port, and operate the control register and the transceiver buffer through the SPI command to
complete the wireless data transmitting and receiving function. For the timing operation of the read and write
operations for the module register, please refer to the latest nRF24L01P data sheet.
IRQ is an interrupt pin, which can be used to wake up the microcontroller and achieve fast response. If it is
not connected, the SPI query mode can be used to obtain the interrupt status (not recommended, which is
not conducive to the overall power consumption, and the efficiency is not enough);
CE can be connected to a high level for a long time, but the module must first be set to the POWER DOWN
mode when writing the register. It is recommended that the CE be controlled by a MCU pin.
5 Basic application
5.1 Basic circuit diagram
6.1 Communication range is too short