w w w . e b s s w e d e n . c o m
w w w . e b s s w e d e n . c o m
About the EBS Magni 500 Bass Combo!
The name ’Magni’ stems from a character in
Norse mythology – Magni, son of Thor (the
God of Thunder). The word Magni translates
to ‘Strong’ and is indeed significant for these
thunderous Magni 500 bass combos!
The Magni 500 combo is based on the
Reidmar 470 amp design. It is available in
two configurations, sporting either 2x10” or
1x15” speakers, and a tweeter. The rig can
be extended with an 8 ohm passive speaker
The Magni 500 is designed and developed
in the heart of Sweden by EBS.
1. Carefully unpack the bass combo.
2. Check that all knobs are set fully counter
clockwise besides the EQ controls marked
BASS, MIDDLE and TREBLE which should be
set to mid position. Make also sure all push
switches are set to their outer positions. Now
the EBS Magni 500 settings are "zeroed" and
ready to be personalized.
3. If you add another cabinet, make sure
the impedance of that cabinet is not below
8 ohms.
4. Turn on the POWER switch.
5. Plug in your bass. While plucking the
strings as hard as you would during your
hardest playing, gradually increase the
GAIN knob unit the peak LED starts to flash
at peaks.
6. Move over to the VOLUME knob and
adjust for the desired output volume.
7. The first tonal shaping circuitry is the
Character Filter next to the GAIN control.
This filters provides a preshape EQ prior of
further fine tuning of your sound.
8. Enable the filters by pressing the Filter
Active pushbutton and explore the filter
section. Play your bass. Note that there
isn't any difference in sound yet.
9. The filters are basically of the boost/cut
design. This means that the level controls
marked with + and -signs, either boost or
cuts the selected frequency band. Further,
the MIDDLE section has got a frequency
control for precise adjustment of the midrange.
10. Gradually increase or decrease the level
and vary the frequency of the middle filter
when operating the middle filter. Notice how
the sound is effected. An A/B comparison can
be made by toggling the filter active switch.
11. Proceed to the COMP/LIMIT knob. This
control adjusts the compression and is useful
when playing very dynamic or loud.
12. Turn up the COMP/LIMIT knob to mid
and max position. Notice how the peaks in
volume will straighten out as you play harder
and harder.
13. Now, go on to the BRIGHT and turn it
half way up. Play your bass. The BRIGHT
filter is a high pass filter which works on
the highest fre quencies of the bass to give
enhanced ambiance and presence.
This was a brief introduction and as you go
on further in this manual, you will learn how
to use and utilize all of the useful features
that the EBS Magni 500 offers you.