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ebm-papst A&NZ Pty Ltd
10 Oxford Road · Laverton North VIC 3026 · Phone +61 (03) 9360 6400 · Fax +61 (03) 9360 6464
ABN 33 115 927 556
NSW Phone +61 (02) 9827 6400 · NSW Fax +61 (02) 9827 6464 · NZ Phone +64 (09) 525 0245 · NZ Fax +64 (09) 525 0246
[email protected] · www.ebmpapst.com.au
Configuration Settings
Figure 19 BACnet Settings
Click on the “Configuration” tab followed by BACnet
Choose BACnet Ethernet as your LAN type
The variable in the pCOWeb Device Instance shown
in Figure 19 is what the EC-FAN GATEWAY will be
described as in BACnet BMS network. By default this
description is 77000.
This can be changed accordingly if desired.
Changing IP addresses
Figure 20 IP Address Settings
Click Network tab. By default the product has an IP
address of Here the user can allocate
their desired IP address.
Please note that if the IP address is changed here,
the next time the ebm-papst web front browser is to
be accessed, steps in Section 7.1 will have to be
When an IP address is changed the EC-FAN
GATEWAY is required to undergo a “Reboot”. This
can be achieved by clicking on “Reboot” as shown in
Figure 20.
Enter appropriate IP address under IP address main
and an appropriate subnet mask under NetMask
Figure 21 MODBUS Protocol
Select pCO Com tab followed by MODBUS
Extended as the protocol for all ebm-papst fans.
Also ensure that the settings are as per Figure
When MODBUS Extended is selected as the
protocol, this allows the gateway to be able to
communicate with ebmpapst fans on the same
protocol platform.
Ensure that MODBUS Extended is selected
for ebm-papst fans.