Main Plane Supports
1. There are two large supports intended to
aid the orientation of the main wings, i.e.
to stop them rotating about their axis.
2. Glue the curved support to the base.
3. Glue the vertical into place.
4. For the diagonal support piece the longer
strip of neoprene needs to be cut in half
(lengthways) and then applied to the
support. Using a sharp knife and the
support as a guide remove the excess
neoprene. Then glue the support to the
Wing Setting Guides
1. The wing jig comes with five pairs of
supports to set the angle of the wings or
stabilisers. The pair to use will depend
upon the geometry of the aircraft.
Each support consists of a base, curved
support and graduated vertical support.
It should be noted that there are three
sizes of curved support. Match the
curved piece to the size of the graduated
support ensuring that the curved piece
does not rise above the graduated one.
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