Owner’s Manual
EBGO shall not be responsible for damages of any kind, whether material,
immaterial or corporal, sustained by the Owner including loss of time, loss of
income, trouble and inconvenience that might result from :
• Improper operation of the EAB;
• Non-compliance with the instructions and recommendations contained in
the Notice to the Owner and in the Owner’s Manual;
• Any handling-related incident whether involving error or not;
• Any abnormal use or use which does not conform to the EAB’s
designed purpose.
• Any cause of exterior origin.
EBGO advises the Owner that using the EAB entails inherent risks and
dangers that the Owner agrees to assume completely whatever their nature.
The Owner accepts to hold EBGO harmless from any liability and to solely
assume liability for any damage of whatever nature that he might sustain or
that the Owner might cause to a third party.
The Owner renounces any claim and any procedure, of whatever nature,
against EBGO, in the event of losses, damages or injuries of any kind that he
or she might sustain while using the EAB and this applies before, during and
after said use.
All disputes or disagreements that might arise following the purchase of
the EAB shall be subject to the laws that apply in the Province of Québec.
Parties shall elect domicile in the Montréal Judicial District, Province of
Québec, for the hearing of any claim pertaining to interpretation, applica-
tion, conclusion, terms, validity and effects of the warranty.
French is the working language at EBGO. An English version of this text
is available but should a dispute arise about interpretation the French text
shall prevail as the reference.
By the present, the EBGO Company or a EBGO affiliate (hereafter referred
to as ‘EBGO’) gives notice to the owner or the user (hereafter referred to as
‘Owner’) of an Electrically Assisted Bicycle (hereafter referred to as ‘EAB’) of
the provisions of the limited warranty that EBGO offers the Owner following
the purchase of the EAB from EBGO.
EBGO warrants to the owner that every EAB, when new, is exempt from
hidden defects. Should the Owner discover what he believes is a hidden
defect, he must notify EBGO in writing within three (3) days from the
moment when the Owner first becomes aware of said defect in order to
give EBGO the opportunity to correct said defect if possible, at the sole
discretion of EBGO and provided EBGO can establish said hidden defect is
present before the expiration of the warranty.
The Owner must verify the apparent condition, the quantity and the
contents of the EAB following the purchase and, on the same day, must
immediately proceed with a complete inspection of the EAB with help from
the Owner’s Manual. If there is damage, if a part is missing or is damaged,
if the EAB is broken, or if there are other problems of the same kind (he-
reafter known as: ‘Apparent anomaly’), the Owner must contact and notify
EBGO immediately and within three (3) days from the date of purchase by
registered letter, a receipt for which must be kept for reference. Should
the Owner not advise of the Apparent anomaly within the prescribed time
period, EBGO shall not be responsible for any prejudice suffered by the
Owner due to the Apparent anomaly and the EAB shall be deemed free of
any Apparent anomaly when purchased and the Owner deemed satisfied
with the purchase.
EBGO-Guide 2019-EN-V7.indd 8-9
2019-04-17 16:46