| Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions|
. Use
The eBench Hi-Fi Door Bell KH is exclusively intended for
use as a door bell in connection with an existing door bell/bell
system in private households and in sealed rooms.
. Description of Functions
The eBench Hi-Fi Door Bell KH offers you different me-
lodies and sound effects as bell tones:
. Radetzky March
. Ode to Joy
. Howling wolf
. Aida
. Chinese cymbal
. Bolero
. Techno
. March of the Toreros
. Breaking glass
. Jingle Bells
. Crowing rooster
. Bongo
. Westminster
. Happy Birthday
. Barking dog
. Beethoven’s th Symphony
. Crashing metal
. Big band
You can load up to three additional melodies, sound effects
and announcements on the Hi-Fi Door Bell in addition to these
pre-programmed melodies and sound effects.
If there are bells on the front and the back door, the Hi-Fi
Door Bell can be used to set different bell tones for each of
the doors.