XS series operating manual
XS user manual v0.55
- 121 -
List of the RS232C commands
The syntax of the commands complies with the IEEE488-2 standard (1992 revision).
IEEE488-2 numerical formats :
Format NR1 : ±<digit>...<digit>
Format NR2 : +/-<digit>...<digit>.<digit>...<digit>
Format NR3 : ±<digit>...<digit>.<digit>...<digit>E+/-<digit>..<digit>
Note : Codes in brackets are expensed codes which can be understood by the unit
General commands
Go to remote mode.
WARNING : first command to be sent
For security reasons, this command is active only just after power on ( starting
screen displayed ).
Go back to the local mode.
Return to the local mode is locked
Common commands
*SRE <NR1> :
"Service Request Enable Register".
Enables the corresponding summary messages (bits) in the status byte register. Thus, the
application programmer can select reasons for the device to issue a service request (Z
character). See *STB? code.
ESE <NR1> :
"Standard Event Enable Status".
Select which event bits in the corresponding Event register will cause a TRUE summary
message when set. By use of the enable bits the programmer can program the device to
request for a single event or an inclusive OR of any group of events.
*CLS :
Sets all the standard registers in the state the programmer founds them after a power on.
*RST :
The Clear status command almost resets the apparatus as a power on.
WARNING : the unit goes back to Local mode, send a REM command before any
following commands.