Initial Operation
Protect the digital level
against moisture and direct
sun light.
Do not subject the digital
level to extreme tempera-
tures or variations in temperature.
As an ex-
ample, do not leave it in vehicles for a long
time. In case of large variations in temperature,
allow the digital level to adjust to the ambient
temperature before putting it into operation. In
case of extreme temperatures or variations in
temperature, the accuracy of the digital level
can be impaired.
The contact surfaces and
contact edges of the digital
level must be clean. Protect the digital level
against impact and shock.
Debris particles or
deformations can lead to faulty measurements.
Avoid heavy impact to or
dropping down of the digi-
tal level.
After severe exterior effects to the
digital level, it is recommended to carry out an
accuracy check (see “Checking the Measuring
Accuracy”) each time before continuing to
Switching On and Off
Press the
to switch the
digital level on or off.
If no button on the digital level is pressed for
approx. 30 mins or the grade of the digital level
is not changed by more than 1.5°, then the
grade measurement and the display are auto-
matically switched off to save the battery.
Checking the Measuring Accuracy
(see figure B)
Check the accuracy of the digital level each
time before using, after extreme temperature
changes as well as after heavy jolts or impact.
Before measuring angles <45°, the accuracy
check should take place on a level and horizon-
tal surface; before measuring angles >45°, on a
level and vertical surface.
Switch the digital level on and place it on the
horizontal or vertical surface.
Wait for 10s and write down the measured
Rotate the digital level (as shown in the figure)
by 180° around its vertical axis. Wait again for
10s and write down the second measured vale.
Calibrate the digital level only when the dif-
ference between both reading values is great-
er than 0.1°.
Calibrate the digital level in the position (ver-
tical or horizontal), in which the difference of
the measured values has been determined.
Calibration for Horizontal Surfaces (see
figure C)
The horizontal surface used to calibrate the
tool cannot slope more than 5°. If the slope is
greater than 5°, the calibration is discontinued
will display.
Switch the digital level on and place it onto
the horizontal surface so that the spirit lev-
faces upward and the display
you. Wait for 10s.
Then press the
calibration button
appears on the display. Then
the measuring value will flash on the dis-
Turn the digital level 180° around the ver-
tical axis so that the spirit level still faces
upward, but the display
faces away from
you. Wait for 10s.
Then press the
calibration button
will be shown on the display.
Then the measuring value (no longer flash-
ing) will appear on the display. The digital