But, move the splitter control button into the rearward/direct position
just prior to completing final clutch engagement and accelerating the
engine. If the splitter control button is not moved, the transmission
will be in 6th overdrive once the final clutch engagement is made.
CAUTION: Never move the splitter control button or the range lever
with the shift lever in neutral while the vehicle is moving.
Continue upshifting through the shift pattern. Double-clutching dur-
ing lever shifts, single-clutch during split shifts while the shift lever is
in the same position.
Downshift Procedure
In the following instructions, it is assumed that the driver is familiar with oper-
ating heavy-duty trucks and tractors, and can coordinate the movement of the
shift lever and clutch pedal to make smooth gear engagements while upshift-
ing or downshifting. Always double-clutch when making lever shifts.
CAUTION: Never move the range lever or the splitter control button
with the shift lever in neutral while the vehicle is moving.
Splitter shift - HI Range Overdrive to HI Range Direct (8th OD to 8th DIR)
Move the splitter control button into the rearward/direct position.
Then, immediately, release the accelerator, depress the clutch pedal
once to break torque, release the pedal to reengage clutch, and
accelerate the engine. The transmission shifts from overdrive to
direct when synchronous is reached.
Combination Range shift and Splitter shift - HI Range Direct to HI Range
Overdrive (7th DIR to 6th OD)
Move the splitter control button into the forward/overdrive position.
Then, immediately move the shift lever, double-clutching, to the
next lower gear position. If the splitter control button is not moved,
the transmission will be in 7th direct once the final clutch engage-
ment is made.