be quickly made aware via the display or a rate alarm output, of minor variations in
flow rate. As the smoothing factor increases, the rate display gets progressively
more stable. The best advice for the F7 value is to start at 1 and work up until the rate
achieves a happy medium between response and steadiness.
The rate zero timeout is the number of seconds between pulses that the ratemeter
will wait before making a zero calculation. If the rate smoothing factor is 1, the rate
display will go to zero if the time between pulses exceeds the rate zero time. One
second is normally a good number for flow applications.
Column d - defaults
Range (Default Value is Bold)
Power Up Display
0 Last
1 Total low
2 Rate
3 Batch count
4Cycle count
Totalizer Display
0 10 digit total
1 Totalizer
2 Totalizer
3 Totalizer
Reset Count
0 No reset
1 Reset totalizer
2 Reset batch count
3 Reset totalizer and batch count
4Reset cycle count
5 Reset totalizer and cycle count
6 Reset cycle and batch counts
7 Reset totalizer, cycle, and batch counts
d4Default Commands
0 No default action
1 Default program values
2 Default run values
3 Default program and run values
Depending upon model, options, and programming, there will be anywhere from
two to eleven different display screens that the operator can look at in the run mode.
When the operator powers this up, what display should he see? Normally it will be
the last display he was looking at when he turned power off, in which case the d-1
default setting of 0 is correct. However, the Eclipse can be programmed to always
power up to the totalizer display. Batchers have, in addition, the ability to power up to
rate, batch count, or cycle count.
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