type vsa12, vsa12b, vsa16, vsa20, and vsa20a operation and installation instructions
MN280063EN May 2017
iii. Check that the recloser is open. The contact
position indicator in the operator cabinet should
read OPEN. The RESET-TRIP knob should be in
the RESET position and the spring chargestate
indicator should read SPRINGS DISCHARGED.
a. If the recloser is closed, trip the recloser
following the Manual Tripping instructions in
this section. This will release a latch in the
tripping mechanism, and energy stored in
the opening springs will drive the operating
mechanism to open the recloser contacts.
The contact position indicator will read OPEN.
Return the RESET-TRIP knob to RESET.
b. If the spring charge state indicator shows
SPRINGS CHARGED, close the recloser
following the Manual Closing instructions
in this section. This will close the recloser
contacts and charge the opening springs. The
contact position indicator will read CLOSED.
Repeat procedure in Step 3A above.
iv. Insert the manual closing crank (stored on the
inside of the operator cabinet door) through the
hole in the right-hand side of the operator cabinet
(sealed with a bolt-nut-seal) and onto the drive
shaft (see Figure 15).
v. Crank the motor in a counterclockwise direction
until the springs charge: approximately 150
revolutions of the motor shaft are required.
The spring indicator will rotate to the SPRINGS
CHARGED position.
vi. Push up the manual closing lever to manually
close the recloser. This will close the contacts
and charge the opening springs. The contact
position indicator will read CLOSED and the
spring charge-state indicator will show SPRINGS
vii. Move the RESET-TRIP knob to TRIP. The recloser
contacts will trip open and the contact position
indicator will read OPEN.
viii. Replace the fused disconnect if it was removed.
4. To close the recloser contacts with the control:
A. Apply specified motor voltage (see page 10)
B. First, push the yellow manual open handle up.
C. Close the recloser using the microprocessor-based
5. To trip the recloser contact using the control:
A. Trip and lockout the recloser using the
microprocessor-based control.
figure 15. Manual closing.