Battery Upgrade Instructions for 93E (20–60 kVA)
P-164000967—Rev 01
Figure 9. Connector Sleeving Installed
12. Repeat step 11 until all UPS cabinet battery harnesses are connected to a Wiring Harness Adapter
13. Once all of the UPS cabinet battery harnesses are connected to the Wiring Harness Adapter, proceed to
Internal Battery Voltage Polarity Verification Procedure
IInntteerrnnaall B
Baatttteerryy V
Voollttaaggee P
Poollaarriittyy V
Veerriiffiiccaattiioonn P
Checking string polarity must be conducted separately for each battery string (pair of battery trays). These
checks also assure that all battery-to-battery jumpers in the battery tray assemblies are connected. Be sure to
disconnect the current battery tray pair before moving to the next pair. Strings should not be connected in
parallel until after each and every string polarity has been verified. Failure to do this could result in a serious arc-
flash injury
Utilizing one shelf at a time, attach the Wiring Harness Adapter to the left most battery string cables