Series 26 - Model 26000 Multiple Gear Pump
Install new
o-ring in groove of adapter plate (side with
bushings below surface).
Align the scribed lines of the first body and front adapter,
install adapter plate onto the drive shaft and body.
Lubricate and install second o-ring onto adapter.
10 Install the drive key into the key slot using some petroleum
jelly to help hold it in place.
11 Aligning the previously scribed line of body and adapter,
install the second pump body onto the adapter plate.
12 Lubricate and install the second wear plate assembly into
the pump body. Caution is required to not dislodge the seals
during installation. Remember sealing side of the wear plate is
toward the adapter plate with the cut side of the wear plate
facing the suction side or large cavity location of pump body.
13 Lubricate and install the second drive gear onto the shaft
and into the pump body aligning key with slot in gear.
14 Lubricate and install the second idler gear assembly into
body and adapter.