In case you encounter an issue when using this phone, please look for possible solutions in
the table below.
Phone cannot be turned on
Is the battery at least partially charged?
Is the battery inserted correctly?
Battery cannot be charged
Make sure the charger is correctly attached.
Is the battery functional? Battery functionality drops over time
and after more than year it may no longer be functional.
Is the battery entirely empty? If this is the case, it’s necessary to
keep the phone connected to the charger for a longer time period
until the charging begins. This can take tens of minutes.
It’s impossible to log into the
operator network
Signal is to weak or it may be a subject to interference. Check the
signal strength on the icon on the screen-are there any vertical
lines near the antenna icon?
Is the SIM card correctly inserted? In case it’s damaged, ask your
operator to give you a replacement.
Phone calls can’t be made
Is the phone logged in the operator network?
Isn’t the call block feature active?
Is your credit balance sufficient?
Phone calls can’t be
Is the phone logged in the operator network?
Isn’t the call block feature active?
Is your credit balance sufficient?
Isn’t the call redirecting active?
Phone is blocked by PIN
Input PUK code, which you received from your operator together
with the SIM card to unlock your PIN or contact your operator.
SIM error
SIM card contacts are dirty. Clean them.
SIM card is damaged. Buy a new one.