5 Operating the ESM 601 local
- turn on the power
- navigate with up down arrows to video mode and set your video mode
with left and right arrows
- adjust your settings desciption in chapter below
- store your settings long push on middle button diplay change to SETUP menue
navigate to save and push the middle button
- back to the settings menue with exit and middle button
6 Settings menu
different cameras and scenes require different settings, please test the best settings for your shots.
Balance between motion blur, speed, flickering etc. If you have a scene with special lights and
there are only poor results, please dont hesitate to contact us and send us a sample clip and we
will improve our algorythm.
- Video mode
720p/50, 720/59.94, 720p/60, 1080p/23.98, 1080p/24, 1080p/25,
1080p/24.97, 1080p/30, 1080i/50, 1080i/59.94, 1080i/60,
1080psf/24, 1080psf/25, 1080psf/30
sets the right video mode
“this is mandatory, there is no auto detection yet”
- Status imaging processor
deflicker engine activated
deflicker engine deactivated
to test and see the different between deflickered and original video stream
- Object speed
very fast
main object in camera is moving really fast
object in camera is moving fast
normal movement from object in camera
sloe movement from object
external remote activated
Set the deflicker filter algorithm depending of scene. This setting balances the processed
image between deflicker strength and motion blur.
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