EasyIO FW Series – Network Connectivity v2.0
The below
Diagram 06
shows that FW-01 is an Wi-Fi client to a wireless router.
The FW-01 is now running in repeater mode.
FW-01 is no longer a DHCP server as the wireless router is the DHCP server.
Having 2 DHCP server in the same local network will cause bad connectivity.
FW-02 and FW-03 are Wi-Fi clients to FW-01 (repeater) with one FW is DHCP client and the other FW has
static IP address.
FW-04 and FW-05 are ethernet clients to FW-01 (repeater) with one FW is DHCP client and the other FW
has static IP address.
**Recommendation : For static IP address assignment please assign other than 100~199 range as this is
reserved for DHCP server**
Diagram 06