EA660 Modular UPS
User manual & Operation explain
“remote control port”
if you want the equipment to work as client, you must set a remote
control port so that the equipment can connect the romote server through the port; the default port No.
is 6000. if the equipment is set to be server, then you don't need to take this item into consideration..
“Remote IP address”: The address for remote server-side IP address, If the device is working in
client mode, it must be for the device configuration remote IP address, so that the device access to
the remote server through the address. Factory default address: If the device is
configured for the server, the option can be ignored
Series communication parameters configuration
“Baud rate”: series communcation baud rate used by the baud rate, there are several 2400
115200 to choosen. The factory default setting for 960
“Parity bit”: could be choosen, NONE
EVEN. The factory default setting for NONE
“Data bit”: This option is that the median data communications, MWT serial server, respectively,
in support of 8,7,6-bit data communication. The factory default setting for 8
“Stop bit”: can choose 1 or 2. The factory default setting for 1
When after all the parameters to configure, click the "submit" button, if the configure success, it
must be return to website "DONE, please reload the page with new IP address!". And equipment will
be automatically reset, loading the new configuration parameters. At this time equipment has been
based on user-configured to work corresponding running.
Note: PC software has been introduced and explsining in the system, if necessary please
refer to the contents of the system disk.