Rough handling may damage the microphone
even if no markings are visible
When not in use, keep the SR25 in its bag.
The small tip on many of our microphones allows them
to capture the highest frequencies of your sound.
Please be gentle and considerate when handling the
microphones with these tips. (Microphones such as the
SR314 and SR40V shield the tip within their capsule,
and are thus more durable.)
If you encounter issues while using your Earthworks
Audio microphone, please make sure thatk
Your microphone is connected to an active power
Phantom power is being supplied to the
Your microphone and XLR cable are well
The microphone is positioned at an appropriate
distance from the sound source.
External noise in your recording environment is
kept to a minimum.
Your recording space is at room temperature and
free of dust.
If your issue persists after checking, please contact us
via our website.
Microphone for guitar