CineNova-16 Power Amplifiers
Eight individual power supplies:
Rack mountable:
The Cinenova-16 is designed with 8 individual power supplies
This amplifier is designed to conveniently mount in commonly
for better over all sound quality and better channel separation.
used racks.
Peak LED indicators:
220V AC and 110V AC selectable:
The Cinénova-16 is equipped with 16 indicators -LEDs- on the
Earthquake Sound designs all of it’s high performance
front panel. They show the operating status of each channel; the LEDs
amplifiers to be used in almost all scenarios which may require different
will illuminate when the maximum recommended output is exceeded.
voltage ratings.
If an LED is illuminated the majority of the time, it indicates that the
corresponding channel is over-driven (clipped). The input to the
Remote zone control:
channel must be reduced to eliminate distortion and eventually,
damages to the amplifier.
Each of the eight possible zones can be controlled by an
external (optional) remote. This features allows you to completely shut
Thermal protection:
down specific zones, control volume and other connected components.
Each channel is equipped with a thermal sensor designed to
Bus input:
shut the amplifier down when it overheats. Overheating is not typical. It
only occurs if the amplifier is over driven with low impedance speakers,
This feature simplifies installation by consolidating several
or if the amplifier is located in an improperly ventilated space.
channels for one source. Simply plug the input source RCAs into the
BUS input on the unit. Then switch the input source selector to BUS for
Individually selected and matched components:
as many channels are connected to the corresponding input source.
Components used to construct the Cinénova-16 are subjected
Bridgeable function (Bridgeable stable not less than 4-ohm):
to an exhaustive selection process; during which, the components are
matched and individually tested to exact tolerance. The multi-layer,
The Cinenova-16 delivers up to 8-zones, and can be bridged
glass-epoxy, double sided printed circuit boards exceed the standard
into several different configurations for higher power rooms.
stringent requirements by 50%.
4 or 8-ohm compatible:
Since speakers are manufactured in several different
impedance ratings, Earthquake Sound’s new 16-Channel amplifier is
The Cinenova-16 delivers up to 8-zones, and several other
designed to be 4 and 8-Ohm compatible.
room combinations to better suite the your needs.
Special Features