Operator's Manual
CRT Models 5040 and 6040E
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
Operator's Manual
CRT Models 5040 and 6040E
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
Part no. LBL516AA
WARninG inStRuCtionS
hood decal
Part no. LBL516C
Belt Cover decal
Part no. LBL516j
tinES dAnGER
hood Flap decal
This rototiller unit has been designed and manufactured
to provide you with the safety and reliability you would
expect from an industry leader in outdoor power equip-
ment manufacturing.
Although reading this manual and the safety instruc-
tions it contains will provide you with the necessary
basic knowledge to operated this equipment safely and
effectively, we have placed several safety labels on the
tiller to remind you of this important information while
you are operating the unit.
These important safety labels are illustrated below, and
are shown here to help familiarize you with the location
and content of the safety messages you will see as you
perform normal tilling operations. Please review these
labels now. If you have any questions regarding their
meaning or how to comply with these instructions,
reread the complete safety instruction text on the
preceding pages, or contact your local dealer.
Should any of the safety labels become unreadable
Part no. LBL516F
Bumper Guard decal
thE RiGht And LEFt SidES oF YouR Ro-
totiLLER ARE dEtERminEd FRom thE
oPERAtinG PoSition AS You FACE thE
diRECtion oF FoRWARd tRAVEL.
EnGinE iS ShiPPEd FRom FACtoRY
Without oiL. You muSt Add EnGinE
oiL BEFoRE StARtinG EnGinE.
tiLLER tRAnSmiSSion iS ShiPPEd FRom FACtoRY
With thE PRoPER Amount oF Liquid GREASE.
because of being worn, faded, or otherwise damaged
during the use of your tiller, please use the part number
information provided to order a replacement label from
your local authorized dealer.
The safety labels are easily applied, and will act as a
constant visual reminder to you, and others who may
use the equipment. Follow the safety instructions neces-
sary for safe, effective operation of your rototiller.