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Страница 1: ...Z 7200 LIQUIDCRYSTAL GRAPH INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL LITHO IN U S A 988 0106 09 TNSLE THEALLAMERICANSONAR PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Страница 2: ...television typedisplay RET SPEED WINDOW Asegmentofthedepth range Forexample an upperlimitof RANGE 10 20feetand alowerlimitof50feetcreatesa30foot window LOWERLIMIT 11 AUTO 8011CM TRACKING ZOOM Afeaturethat enlargestargetsonthedisplay GRAYLINE 12 DIGITAL 13 ZONEALARM 14 LIGHT 15 COMMAND 15 MENU 1 SPEAKERVOLUME 16 MENU 2 DISCRIMINATION 16 MENU 3 SURFACECLARITYCONTROL 5CC 18 MENU 4 DIGITAL 19 MENU 5 D...
Страница 3: ...d Crystal Graph LCG is turned on it will automaticallyfind anddisplaythebottomsignal and othertargets Asthe bottomdepthchanges theZ 7200 will automaticallychange the range andsensitivity tokeepthebottom signal onthedisplay Ifdesired the onlykey thatneedstobetouched istheONkey However disabling the automaticmodeallowsmanualadlustment oftheZ 7200 The Z 7200 is nitrogen filled and sealed for complete...
Страница 4: ...isflushornearly sowiththedash kl Iz Kilohertz Ameasurementoffrequency YourEaglesonaroperates at 192Kilohertz 192 000cyclespersecond LCD Liquid crystal display Thescreen or displayofa LiquidCrystal Graphsonarinstrument LCG Liquid Crystal Graph NOISE Any undesired signal Electrical noise is causedby engine ignitions systems radios etc Acousticnoiseiscaused bythevibrationof theengine or other mechani...
Страница 5: ...sfunctionshowstherelativestrength ofsignals displayed onthescreen SignalsweakerthantheGRAYLINEsellingaredisplayed inblack strongertargetsaregray Italsogives cluestothecompostition Minimize electrical noise byroutingthe powercableaway from otherpossiblesourcesofelectrical interference Oneofthelargest noise generators istheengine s wiring harnessthat runsfromtheenginetothe instrument panel Thisharne...
Страница 6: ...or beep ThisistheZ 7200 swayoftelling you thatithas acceptedacommand 4 33 SPARE PARTS Thefollowingisalistofthemostcommonlyneededparts To order simplywritethelistofpartsrequiredonaslipofpaperand mail ittotheabove address Note Pricesubjecttochangewithoutnotice PartNumber 151 0071 00 003 2250 00 003 2223 00 003 2181 00 988 0106 09 Description Power Cable Price Gimbal Knobs w washers 2 ea 3 95 Gimbal ...
Страница 7: ... Press both keys at the sametimetostopand restrartthe chartdisplay 32 5 ZONEALARM KEYS Thisgroupof keys controls the Z 7200 s zone alarm ft s commonlyused asa fish alarm Anytarget such asa fishorschooloffish will setoffthe alarm ifitenters the alarm zone COMMAND FUNCTION The Z 7200has menus offeaturesthat are accessed by pressing both range keysatthe sametime Note The Z 7200 has many morefeatures ...
Страница 8: ...ifferentdepths Thermoclines are Importantto fishermen becausetheyare areaswherefishareactive Manytimes bait fish willbeabovethethermoclinewhilelargergamefishwill suspend inor Just belowit TheZ 7200 can detectthis invisible layer In thewater butthe sensitivity willprobablyhaveto beturned uptoseeit Aknowledgeofthewatertemperaturesvarious fishprefer andin whichtheyusually remain helpsyougetthe mostfr...
Страница 9: ...presstheOFF key F AUTO Theautomatic modeisenabledwhentheZ 7200isturnedon To switchtothemanualmode presstheAUTOkeylocated abovetheONkey PressingtheAUTO keyerasestheword AUTOatthetopofthedisplay Thiscancelsautosensitivity and ranging giving you complete manual control oftheunit ReturntheZ 7200toautomatic atanytimebypressing theAUTO keyagain Most fish don t spawn unless the water temperature is withi...
Страница 10: ...ing signal reflectingoffthesurface ofthewater Then itmakes asecond triptothebottomand backagain TotumAutoSensitivitybackon presstheAUTOkey Remember pressing theAUTO keyturnsboth automatic sensitivity and autoranging functionson and offatthesame time Remember theremustbesome movementbetweentheboatand thefish to developthearch Usually this means trolling at very slow speeds withthe main engine in ge...
Страница 11: ...same istrueifyoutryto goabovethemaximum level Asyou pressthearrowkey thesensitivitybarwill move rightorleft accordingto thesensitivity level chosen 28 9 Brush usually lies onthebottomand shows up asclumpsrising above the bottom signal Brush signals look similar to large rocks howevertheirsignal isnotasstrongasrock FISHSIGNALS The signals displayed on the Z 7200 by fish are Identified by varioussha...
Страница 12: ...ment 300 feet fresh water 100feet saltwater thenarrowcone angle Is more desirable Sincethesoundenergyisconcentrated inasmallerarea itcan penetrate to muchdeeper depths Both8degreeand20degree transducers giveaccuratebottom readings eventhoughthebottomsignal ismuchwideronthe20degree model Thisisbecause youare seeing moreofthe bottom Remember theshallowedgeofthesignal shows youthetruedepth Therest of...
Страница 13: ...omaticmodeIs off Note Thisalso disables the automatic sensitivity function Iftheauto maticmode ison presstheAUTOkeyoncetodisableit Next press one of the arrow keys In the RANGE section until the desired lower limit appears Thedisplaywillimmediatelychangetothenewdepthrangeand display thenewlowerlimit atthe bottomofthescreen NOTE The maximum lowerlimit theZ 7200 can displayis 1000 feet However the a...
Страница 14: ...displayedon the screen It also gives cluestothecompositionofthe bottom Inotherwords youcantellIfthebottomissoftorhard A hard bottomreturns astrong signalcausing awidegrayline A soft muddyor weedybottomreturns aweakersignalwhichisemphasizedwithanarrow grayline Ifyouhavetwosignalsofequal size onewithgrayandtheother without thenthetargetwith grayIs the strongersignal Thisishelps distinguish weeds fro...
Страница 15: ...tically increasesthe pulse width asthe range increases In shallowwa ter anarrowpulsewidthis bene ficial sincetheprobability ofecho detection is high Forevenbetter target separation the Z 7200 givesyouthecapabilitytonarrow the pulsewidth Combine that withatwentyfootzoomandtheZ 7200displaysdetailfarbetterthan SENSJflvirV t U I6 I A 4 a 6 I L 7 2 SHflRT 6 FOF HO PRESS 414 Ls 22 24 otherliquid crystal...
Страница 16: ...sstheSHALLOWSETkeyintheZONE ALARMsectionofthe keyboard Theletters ZRappear inthelowerleft cornerofthescreen A vertical bar alsodisplayson the leftside ofthe screenforsixseconds ThisistheZoneAlarm s window Anyechothat appears between thetopand bottomofthisbar will sound thealarm Adjustboththeshallow and deependsofthis barto makeasmaller or largeralarm window Toadjusttheshallow top alarm press theSH...
Страница 17: ...ds Thezonealarm barcan be turned on permanently with a menu SeetheCOMMANDsectionfordetails Whenanechoappears onthe right side of the screen In the area covered by the zone alarm bar the words ZONE ALARM flash on the screen If the range is changed the zonealarm mayneed to be changed also since itdoesnottrack rangeset tings WhentheZ 7200isturnedon thealarm sspeakerisnotactivated To turn the Zone Ala...
Страница 18: ...n theALARMsectionofthekeyboard toturntenths onoroff Waitseveral secondsforthemenutodisappear orpresstheAUTO keytoactivate To change menus usethearrowkeys inthe RANGEsectionon thekeyboard Toselectanitemfromthemenu usethearrowkeysInthe ALARM section Once you makea selection press the AUTO key to activatethe selection Or switchto another menu to access another feature Onceall oftheselections are made...
Страница 19: ...p f r I DISCRIMINATI0N PROPER SETTING J li o hL2 t S F 2 uIc THL SIZE LiPGE MENU 6 DIGITAL SIZE The digital depth display has two size selections small and large When the Z 7200 is first turned on the depth Is displayed withthesmallnumbers Tochange toadifferentsize press botharrow keys inthe RANGEsectionatthe same time Then press the upor down arrow keys in the RANGE sectionuntil menu6displays Nex...
Страница 20: ...ingsbetweennarrowpara meters and displays the result When theZ 7200 Isfirstturnedon averagingisenabled Toturnitoff select menu 8 by pressing both arrow keysIntheRANGEsectionat thesametime Thenpresstheupor down arrow keys in the RANGE section until menu8displays Next press the upordownarrowsinthe ALARM section ofthekeyboard to turnaveraging on oroff Waitsev eral secondsforthemenutodisap pearorpress...