PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor
Страница 1: ...and Magna Plus INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHO IN U S A 988 0106 42 EAGI F7jTM Magna PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Страница 2: ...6 You can call or write to an authorized Eagle Service Center or the Factory Customer Service Department before sending your unit in for repair A technicianmaybeabletosolvetheproblemandsaveyou the inconvenience of returning your unit Forthe Eagle factorycustomerservicedepartment call 1 918 234 1452 Whensendingaproducttothe factoryoraservicecenter werecommend you dothefollowing 1 Usethe originalbox...
Страница 3: ...thing exdept the sonarunit is turned off then start the engine Increase the RPMwiththegearshiftin neutral If noise appearsonthedisplay theproblemcouldbeoneofthreethings sparkplugs alternator ortachometer wiring Try using resistorsparkplugs alternatorfilters orrouting thesonarunit s powercableawayfromenginewiring Again routing thepowercabledirectlyto thebatteryhelpseliminatenoiseproblems Makecertai...
Страница 4: ... disrupt the sonarsignals interferingwithits abilityto findthe bottom or othertargets Thetechnicaltermforthisis Cavitation 2 Electrical noisefromtheboat smotorcaninterferewiththesonar Thiscauses thesonartoautomatically increase itsDiscrimination ornoise rejectionfeature Thiscan causetheunit toeliminate weakersignals suchasfishoreven structure fromthedisplay Try using resistorsparkplugsorroutingthe...
Страница 5: ...ris mounted insidethe hull be sure it is shootingthroughonlyonelayeroffiberglassandthatitissecurelybondedtothe hull Do NOTuseRTVsiliconerubberadhesive orMarinetexN 24 INTRODUCTION Thankyoufor purchasing an Eaglesonar YourMagnaorMagnaPlus is ahighquality sonardesigned forbothprofessional and novice fishermen Theseunitshavean automatic featurethatfinds and displays the bottom fish structure and more...
Страница 6: ...rate on theareas wherefish are likelyto be Even if it s the firsttimeonthe lake The mostefficientwayto becomeacquainted witha bodyof wateris to surveyitwithyourMagna Start with amapofthelake if possible and indicatethepromising spotsin relation to landmarks on shore Asyou go about yoursurvey yourMagna will tell youthedepth and type ofbottom Itwill also reveal suspended fish Keep afew marker buoys ...
Страница 7: ...rd right side canbeusedif necessary Donot mountthespeedsensorbehind strakes ribs orthru hullfittings Thesewill disturbtheflowofwaterto the speed sensor In atypical installation thespeed sensoris mounted sixto twelveinchesfromthecenterline ofthehull The sensormustalways be inthewatertofunction properly Makecertain the chosen location is inthewaterevenat highspeedorwhenthe boatisonplane Onceyoudeter...
Страница 8: ...thescreen resolution will be Theeasiest way todothis ontheMagna is withtheZoomfeature Thisfeature expands the echoes making iteasierto seedetail Forthebest results turnthesensitivity up as highaspossible withoutgetting too muchnoiseonthescreen In mediumto deepwater this method shouldworkto displayfish arches Ifyou seefishsignalswhentheunitis inthemanual mode but don t get fish symbols whenthe Fish...
Страница 9: ...he downarrow keywhentheproper menu appears To adjustthecontrast waitfortheDARK LIGHT menu to appear Nowpress the up arrow keytodarkenthe screen the downarrow to lighten it The menus disappearaftera fewsec onds Ifyoudon twanttowait presstheON CLEAR keyto clearthe menus fromthescreen WhentheMagna isfirstturnedon thedisplayappears similar tothe one below The unitis intheautomatic mode and the FishIDf...
Страница 10: ...SEL menu appears asshown The current rangeshowsatthebottomofthe menu Inthiscase the rangeis 60 feet Nowpresstheuparrowkeyto decrease therange the downarrow keyincreases therange Afteryouselectthedesired Both8degreeand 20 degree transducers give accurate bottom read ings eventhough the bottomsignal is muchwider onthe20 degree model This is because youare seeing moreofthebottom Remem ber the shallow...
Страница 11: ...r area it canpenetrateto muchdeeper depths seconds itwill automatically clear ZOOM The zoom feature enlargesallechoesonthescreen Iftheunitis in the automatic mode ittracksthebottomsignal alwayskeeping it near thebottomofthescreen This lets youseesmalldetail atthesame timeenlarging all echoes that appearonthescreen Theunitdoesn t trackthe bottom inthemanual mode andtheadjustments areslightly differ...
Страница 12: ...ecreaseit press thedownarrow key Press the up arrow key toincreasethe contrast ThebargraphintheDark Light menu boxshowsagraph ofthecontrast Thescreen willalsoshowthe effectsofthe change Ifyoureach the maximum or minimum level atonesoundsalerting you tothelimits The menu will clearautomati callyafterafew seconds oryoucan press the ON CLEAR keyto clearthescreen ASP AdvancedSignal Processing ASPis ap...
Страница 13: ...ststhesensitivity level to keepasolid bottomsignal onthescreen Itaddsalittleextrawhenit s intheautomatic mode Thisgivesitthe capability to showfish andotherdetail However situationsoccurwhereit becomes necessary to increase ordecrease thesensitivity level Typically this occurswhenyouwishtosee more detail soyou need to increase thesensitivity The procedure toadjust itis thesamewhethertheunitis inth...
Страница 14: ...get etc Thedepth alarms are triggered only bythebottom signal Noother echoes will activatethesealarms Thedepth alarms consistof a shallowand deep alarm Theshallowalarm sounds an alarmtone whenthe bottom goes shallowerthanthealarm sselling Thedeep alarm soundsatonewhenthe bottom goesdeeperthanit ssetting Bothalarms adjustthesame althoughthroughdifferentmenus ShallowAlarm Tosettheshallowalarm press ...
Страница 15: ...o CHARTSPEED The rateechoes scrollacrossthescreenis called thechart speed It s adjustable bypressing themenu keyuntil thechartspeedmenu ____________________ appears Chartspeed is setto maximum whenthe Magnaisfirstturnedon To decreaseit pressthedown arrow key Presstheup arrow keyto increase the speedagain The bargraphintheChart Speed menu boxshowsa graphofthe speed Echoes scrolling ontothescreen wi...
Страница 16: ...speed intohighgear scrolling echoes at a highrate It hasthe following features 1 Automatic Off 2 Fish ID Feature Off 3 All Digital Displays Off DISPLAYMODE DISPLAYMODE cont The Magna hasthree differentscreen modes The Magna Plus has six To change modes press the MENU key until the DISPMODE DisplayMode menu appears Thenpresstheupordownarrow keys untilthedesired modenumberappears The modes are asfol...