PCI 703 User Manual
Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2001-2004 – www.eagledaq.com
Now the first part of your installation has been completed and ready to install the EDR
Enhanced Software Development Kit.
found on the Eagle CD-Rom and follow the on screen instructions
Windows NT
Windows NT does not require any special setup procedure. The Windows NT driver does not
support plug and play. If Windows 2000 detects a new device simply install a default driver, or
so called placeholder. This will disable the device in the plug and play manager.
To install the Windows NT drivers simply run
on the Eagle CD-Rom. This will
automatically install the device drivers. Restart your computer when done. Open the
folder in the control panel to check if your installation was successful.
The PCI703 has got a wide variety of accessories that it can be connected too. See the Eagle
Technology catalog for more information.