Lay the seat (Part A) facing upside-
down. Take the two tubes (Part D),
and insert into the white plastic rings
by pressing in the brass pin while
inserting the tubes through the
rings. The
brass pins
should be
on the
outside of
each ring
face away
from seat.
Take one leg frame (Part B or Part
C, it does not matter which), and
lay it flat on the ground. Take the
seat with the
two tubes
located under
the seat, and
insert the two
tubes into the
leg frame.
Make sure the
brass buttons
snap firmly into
the leg frame.
Take the other leg frame (Part B
or Part C), and insert the seat tube-
ends on the opposite side of the seat
into the leg frame. Make sure the
brass buttons snap firmly into the
leg frame.
Take the 4 legs (Part E), and insert
them into the bottom of the leg
frames. Set the chair height by
using the same button-hole location
for each leg. Make sure the brass
buttons snap firmly into the leg
frame. For your safety, adjust
the rubber
tips on the
legs by
them so
they make
Take the backrest (Part F), and insert it into the two
oblong backrest holes located on top of the seat
towards the back side of the seat. Push the backrest
down into the backrest holes, snapping it firmly
into place.