1260-45 User Manual
4 Addendum Page 6/98
4) Wait 4 milliseconds
5) Write the value 0 to OROWADDR1 or OROWADDR2
The following procedure may be used to close the relays in a selected row:
1) Determine which CROWADDR Control Register that will be used. For Channels 0000
through 1315, use CROWADDR1; for Channels 2000 through 3315, use CROWADDR2.
2) Determine which columns of the row are to be closed. Form the control values for
CWADDR1 and CWADDR2 by OR-ing the bit weights for the desired relays. For example, if
columns 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 are to be closed, the value 26
would be used for CWADDR1
and 84
would be used for CWADDR2. Write the calculated values to CWADDR1 and
CWADDR2 (using ViOut8() or equivalent)
3) Write one of the following control values to CROWADDR1 or CROWADDR2, depending on
which row you wish to operate.
1. 1 : to close relays in row 0
2. 2 : to close relays in row 1
3. 4 : to close relays in row 2
4. 8 : to close relays in row 3
4) Wait 4 milliseconds
5) Write the value 0 to CROWADDR1 or CROWADDR2
Close Channel 2312, or matrix group 2, row 3, column 12:
Write 0 to CWADDR1
2) Write
to CWADDR2 (this selects column 12)
Write 8 to CROWADDR1 (this selects row 3)
Wait 4 milliseconds
Write 0 to CROWADDR1
In addition to the matrix, there are guard relays which isolate the matrix from the edge connector
when the VXI chassis is powered down. When the chassis is powered up, the firmware on the
1260-01T will ensure that the guard relays are closed AFTER the firmware has opened all relays
within the matrix. However, if direct manipulation of the guard relays is desired, the value 3 may be
written to the control register GRDADDR to close the guard relays. The value 0 may be written to
open all guard relays.
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