MFT-20 DSB Transceiver Kit
Page 13
D4 is a zener diode marked as 9V1
D2 (bias limiter) 1N4007 or 1N4001 diode is black with a gray band.
This is placed vertically as shown
in the picture
(about 10-12mm high). The end with the gray band goes to the hole marked GND
There are ceramic, polystyrene (styroflex) and electrolytic capacitors. They all have their value printed on
the body. Refer to the “identified” column in the parts list.
Install and solder all the capacitors C1 to C67
(except C27 and C57 they are not used)
When you mount them, make sure to leave the leads as short as possible.
C63, C64 and C65 are polystyrene capacitors; these are axial capacitors, but they must be placed in a
vertical position.
The values which are in decade increments can be easily confused, such as 100n and 10n, so be sure
to verify the numbers of their value before soldering them in place.
The electrolytic capacitors must be placed with the correct orientation: the LONG LEAD goes in the hole
labeled “+” and the SHORT LEAD is "-", indicated by a band containing "-" signs on the side of the