DB4020 Dual Band 40&20M SSB QRP Transceiver Kit
Page 35
20 m dipole antenna
For the antenna "arms" you can use any cable strong enough to hold the weight of the coaxial cable
hanging. Install the antenna in the highest and clearest position possible.
Very interesting multi-band option are the end fed dipoles that allows working in several bands with a 49:
1 transformer. Look "end-fed antenna" on Google.
transceiver is easy to use.
There is a User Manual where all the functions of the transceiver are explained.
The Arduino module is already programmed at the factory. There are a few initial frequency settings that
will help get you up and running. However, for each assembly some slight re-adjustments can be made
in the display settings menu.
Please, d
ownload the “DB4020 User Manual” from the website: