European Safety Systems Ltd.
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Document No. D190-00-011-IS-SC Issue: 5 24-04-19 Sheet 4 of 7
9) AC Wiring
9.1 Wiring Diagrams
Fig 5a. D1xS1AC Simplified Block Diagram
Fig 5b. D1xS2AC Simplified Block Diagram
9.2 Units First Stage Tones
Stage one (S1) operation: Simply connect the supply voltage to
the L and N supply terminals, (see fig. 6).
9.3 AC Units Second, Third and Fourth Stage Tone
To select the second, third and fourth stage tones on the D1x
AC alarm horns.
Stage two (S2) operation: Power L and N, link the Common-C
(D1xS2) or the Live-L (D1xS1) and S2 terminal.
Stage three (S3) operation: Power L and N, link the Common-
C (D1xS2) or the Live-L (D1xS1) and S3 terminals.
Stage four (S4) operation: Power L and N, link the Common-C
(D1xS2) or the Live-L (D1xS1) and both the S2 and S3
D1xS1AC Terminals
D1xS2AC Terminals
Fig. 6 AC Terminals
10) DC Wiring
10.1 Wiring Diagrams
Fig. 7a DC Simplified Block Diagram (negative
Fig. 7b DC Simplified Block Diagram (positive
10.2 Units First Stage Tones
Stage one (S1) operation: Simply connect the supply voltage to
the + and - supply terminals, (see fig. 8).
10.3 DC Units Second, Third and Fourth Stage Tone
For units set up for
–ve switching (default setting):
Stage two (S2) operation: Power +ve and
–ve, link a -ve supply
line to the S2 terminal. Dip switch 2 alters stage 2 tone.
Stage three (S3) operation: Power +ve and
–ve, link a -ve
supply line to the S3 terminal. Dip switch 1 alters stage 3 tone.
Stage four (S4) operation: Power +ve and
–ve, link a -ve
supply line to both the S2 & S3 terminals. Dip switch 1 alters
stage 4 tone.
For units set up for +ve switching (refer to 9.1):
Stage two (S2) operation: Power +ve and
–ve, link a +ve
supply line to the S2 terminal. Dip switch 2 alters stage 2 tone.
Stage three (S3) operation: Power +ve and
–ve, link a +ve
supply line to the S3 terminal. Dip switch 1 alters stage 3 tone.
Stage four (S4) operation: Power +ve and
–ve, link a +ve
supply line to both the S2 & S3 terminals. Dip switch 1 alters
stage 4 tone.
Fig. 8 DC Terminals
STAGE 4 = S2 + S3
(Customer Supplied switches)
L L N N E E S2 S3
L L N N E C S2 S3
STAGE 4 = S2 + S3
(Customer Supplied switches)
STAGE 4 = S2 + S3
(Customer Supplied switches)
STAGE 4 = S2 + S3
(Customer Supplied switches)
+ + - -
S2 S3