European Safety Systems Ltd.
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Document No. IS 2466 Issue E 19-03-10 Sheet 3 of 5
decrease slightly as the input voltage in increased and will
increase slightly as the input voltage is reduced.
Cable Selection
When selecting the cable size consideration must be given to
the input current that each unit draws (see table above), the
number of units on the line and the length of the cable runs.
The cable size selected must have the necessary capacity to
provide the input current to all of the units connected to the
SAFETY WARNING: If the unit is used at high ambient
temperatures, i.e. over +40ºC, then the cable entry
temperature may exceed +70ºC and therefore suitable heat
resisting cables must be used, with a rated service
temperature of at least 110ºC.
Both AC and DC units must be connected to a good quality
earth. The units are provided with internal and external
earthing terminals, which are both, located on the beacon
section of the unit (see figures 2 and 3).
When using the internal earth terminal ensure that the
stainless steel M4 flat washer is between the incoming earth
wire and the enclosure.
When using the external earth terminal a cable crimp lug
must be used. The cable lug should be located between the
two M5 stainless steel flat washers. The M5 stainless steel
spring washer must be fixed between the outer flat washer
and the M5 stainless steel nut to ensure that the cable lug is
secured against loosening and twisting.
The internal earth bonding wire ensures that a good quality
earth is maintained between the sounder section casting and
the beacon section casting.
Cable Glands
The BExCBG05-05D unit has dual cable gland entries which
have an M20 x 1.5 entry thread as standard or a PG13.5
thread as a special. Only cable glands approved for Ex ‘d’
applications can be used, which must be suitable for the type
of cable being used and also meet the requirements of the Ex
‘d’ flameproof installation standard EN60079-14:2008 /
When only one cable entry is used the other one must be
closed with an Ex ‘d’ flameproof blanking plug, which must be
suitably approved for the installation requirements.
For combustible dust applications, the cable entry device and
blanking elements shall be in type of explosion protection
increased safety "e" or flameproof enclosure "d" and shall
have an IP 6X rating according to EN60529:1992
SAFETY WARNING: If the unit is used at high ambient
temperatures, i.e. over +40ºC, then the cable entry
temperature may exceed +70ºC and therefore suitable heat
resisting cable glands must be used, with a rated service
temperature of at least 110ºC.
Cable Connections
The combined beacon / beacon unit BExCBG05-05D has
separate printed circuit boards for each beacon section. The
terminals for the chamber beacon are on the printed circuit
board in the chamber beacon section and the terminals for
the cover beacon are on the printed circuit board in the cover
beacon section (see figures 4&5 and 6&7). See section 7 of
this manual for access to the enclosure and the wiring
diagrams at the end of this manual.
Both beacon sections can be wired to the same input supply
so that they operate simultaneously or they can be wired to
separate input supplies so they can be operated
independently (see diagrams of pages 4 and 5 of this
manual). If the beacon sections are connected to the same
input supply, the incoming cables should be connected to the
input terminals on the cover beacon board and the two
connecting wires, that are supplied with the unit, should be
used to link the supply from the interconnecting terminals on
the cover beacon board down to the supply terminals on the
chamber beacon board.
The cable connections are made into the terminal blocks on
the electronic pcb assembly located in the chamber beacon
section enclosure. A four-way terminal block is provided on
both AC and DC beacons. Therefore there are two live
terminals and two neutral terminals for the input and output
wiring on AC units. On the DC units there are two +ve
terminals and two -ve terminals for the input and output
wiring. (see figure 6).
Wires having a cross sectional area of up to 4mm² can be
connected to each terminal way. When connecting wires to
the terminals great care should be taken to dress the wire so
that when the cover beacon section is inserted into the
chamber the wires do not exert excess pressure on the
terminal blocks. This is particularly important when using
cables with large cross sectional areas such as 2.5mm² and
above. If both beacons are wired to the same power supply
always use the flexible interconnecting wires provided.
The cable connections are made into the terminal blocks on
the electronic pcb assembly located in the cover beacon
section enclosure. A four-way terminal block is provided on
both AC and DC beacons. Therefore there are two live
terminals and two neutral terminals for the input and output
wiring on AC units. On the DC units there are two +ve
Internal Bonding Wire Terminal
Internal Earth Terminal
2 off M20
Cable Entries
Figure 3