Have the belt replaced by an authorized repair technician if the safety belt
becomes frayed, cut, or shows other signs of wear or damage.
General Operation - Mirrors
If your scooter is equipped with mirrors, orient them so that you can see
behind you. Orient the mirrors while sitting on the scooter but while the
scooter is not moving and is not in operation. Never attempt to adjust the
mirrors while operating the scooter. Proper orientation of the mirrors should
allow you to see behind you and should minimize blind spots.
General Operation
Lights and Signals
If your scooter is equipped with headlights and turn signals, use them. Using
headlights at night, and even at day, increases your visibility to other vehicles.
Using turn signals provides warning to vehicle and pedestrian traffic near you.
General Operation
Driving Outdoors
Your scooter is designed to be driven on clean, even, dry surfaces. eWheels
does not recommend you store your scooter outdoors. Your scooter is
susceptible to damage to electronic, mechanical, or other components if
exposed to water. If you are caught outside during inclement weather, seek
shelter or ask someone for assistance.
Always ensure that the power is switched off when getting on or off the
scooter. Never attempt to mount or dismount the scooter if it is operational or
moving. Do not switch the power off when the scooter is still moving forward
or in reverse. Always check that the variable speed switch is set to the desired
speed setting. Always check that the desired direction of forward or reverse
travel is selected when ready to drive.
General Operation
Public Roads