Supervise every use of the ATV
Because an adult must supervise every ATV oper-
ator under age 16, you should closely watch your
child every time he or she uses the ATV. Be ready
to intervene immediately if the child is not operat-
ing according to your guidelines. This ATV is fitted
with an engine stop switch cord (lanyard) device
that will let you stop the engine remotely as you
walk left side the vehicle.
This model has an engine stop switch cord (lan-
yard) designed for use by an adult supervising the
child operating the ATV. When using the engine
stop switch cord, be sure the speed limiter on the
handlebar is adjusted to limit the ATV to a walking
speed. (See page 4-7.)
1. Push the rubber cap on the end of the engine
stops witch cord under the engine shut-off
switch (black button).
2. Put your fingers in the loop at the other end of
the cord.
3. As your child is riding, walk left side the ATV,
closely watching his or her actions as well as
the path ahead.
4. If there is a potential hazard ahead or if your
child is not riding correctly, pull firmly on the
cord to stop the engine. Because the ATV will
continue to roll for some distance, allow extra
time and distance to pull the cord before a po-
tentially hazardous situation might be encoun-
When your child has developed sufficient skill to no
longer need you to follow with the cord, the cord
can be stowed on the handlebars of the ATV.Howev-
er, you must still closely supervise your child at all
times during ATV operation.
The ATV will not start without the rubber cap in
place. Be sure to remove the cord and store it in a
safe place to prevent operation of the ATV when
you are not around to supervise.