E.T.T. Electronic Toys Trading GmbH Kreuzstraße 65/66 38118 Braunschweig
Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung
A4: Memory (12V)
A5: Antenna output
A7: power supply (12V) / connected with car ignition
A8: Grounding
B1: Speaker (+) rear right
B2: Speaker (-) rear right
B3: Speaker (+) front right
B4: Speaker (-) front right
B5: Speaker (+) front left
B6: Speaker (-) front left
B7: Speaker (+) rear left
B8: Speaker (-) rear left
FIGURE A: Remove the radio panel when you park the car for a longer
time and during the installation process by pressing PANEL RELEASE
[9] and pulling it off.
FIGURE B: Reattach the radio panel by inserting the right side first and
then pushing the left side until the panel snaps in.
Finally attach the front panel to the radio and engage it. To
release it again use the button [9].