Operating Instructions
Multi-Alarm Pill Box
Thank you for buying
the e-pill Multi-Alarm
with Pill Box medica-
tion reminder. If your
device is not activated,
please activate it now
by removing the clear
plastic tab and press-
ing the gray RESET
button under the clear
plastic cover.
Never Forget to Take your Meds Again!
This is how you set the correct time.
Press the SET key for three seconds to enter time setting mode (hour blinking).
Tap the ADJ key to set HOUR.
Press the SET key (minutes blinking).
Tap the ADJ key to set MINUTES.
Press SET to finish time setting.
Toggle between 12/24-hour clock by pressing ADJ key in normal mode.
This is how you program the daily alarms. You can set up to 37 daily repeating alarms. Each alarm will sound for 4 minutes or
until you press the STOP button. You can change the alarm times as often as you like.
For each ALARM open the clear cover and SLIDE a SWITCH (yellow) to the ON (up) position corresponding with your
medication time.
For half hour settings ONLY. Slide the corresponding half hour (“30”) switch.
Press STOP to silence alarm (or it will sound for 4 minutes).
No reset required – Each alarm will repeat every day until you change the setting.
| Medication Reminders
e-pill, LLC, 70 Walnut Street, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
Phone: 1-800-549-0095 (781-239-8255 U.S & International) Fax: 781-235-3252
This e-pill Medication Reminder can remind
you to take your medications up to 37 times per
day by a beeping alarm. Alarms can be set from
6 in the morning to midnight on the hour and
half hour. Once the alarms have been set they
will repeat every day, no reset required.