User Manual EE1900 Humidity Module for Climate Chambers
4 Setup and Configuration
1. Probe connection
2. Terminals for supply and output signal
3. Terminals for ARC external triggering
(Heat IN) and status information (Status)
4. Configuration interface
5. Slide switch for output signal selection
(voltage / current)
6. Manual trigger for ARC
7. Status LED (green)
8. Error indication LED (red)
9. Grounding
Fig. 3
Electronics board
4.1 Selection of the Output Signal
Use the slide switch (No. 5 - Fig. 3) to select between current and voltage output.
• When switching from original voltage output to current output, the output becomes
0 - 20 mA = 0…100% RH and error indication according NAMUR (see chapter 4.3) is disabled.
• When switching from original current output to voltage output, the output becomes
0 - 10 V = 0…100% RH and error indication according NAMUR (see chapter 4.3) is disabled.
After switching the output between voltage and current with the slide switch, the scaling of the output
can be set using the E+E Product Configuration Software (see chapter 4.2).
• After changing the factory setup (output signal and/or output scale) the packaging label loses its
validity; it does not match any longer the device setup.
• The factory setup restore function of EE-PCS reestablishes the original adjustment/calibration of the
device, but does not affect the user setup for output signal and output scale.
4.2 Selection of the Measurand - Output Scale
The selection between R, Td and Tf (frost point temperature) on the analog output, as well as the
scaling of the output can be performed via the configuration interface with the EE-PCS Product Configu-
ration Software, free download from www.epluse.com/configurator. Use the optional configuration cable
HA011017 to connect the EE1900 to the USB port of the PC.