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© Wood Energy Solutions
Commissioning of the E-Compact range of boilers can be divided into 3 sections :
Pre-Commissioning Checks
Auger Calibration & Fire-Up
Client Handover
Pre-Commissioning Checks
Pre-Commissioning checks ensure that the installation complies with the guidelines contained in
this manual and that local bye-laws and code requirements have been complied with. Pre-
commissioing checks include :
Boiler room survey to establish if the boiler is on the appropriate base,
air and venting requirements have been complied with,
all plumbing connections are complete and system is filled and that expansion vessels, PRV’s and
air vents are appropriately sized, all pipework has been checked for leaks and is insulated and that
a form of heat leak is present
electrical connections are complete and safe, electrical installation is fully grounded, power
disconnect is in place and appropriately sized fuses are used.
fuel is available to commission the boiler.
It is recommmended that a Pre-Commissioning checklist is completed by the Installed and returned
to the Commissioning Engineer before commissioning is arranged.
It is also advisable to carry out an Outputs Test to ensure proper functionality of all components.
Auger Calibration
One very important part of the commissioning process is to check that the auger is delivering the
correct amount of fuel into the burner grate. Wood pellets are an organic substance and so can
vary in density, durability, calorific value, etc. . A simple check on calculating the fuel feed rate is
illustrated below. For this procedure you will need a simple digital weighing scales capable of
weighing up to 5kgs (11 lbs) and a bowl to collect the fuel.
Digital Scales