C H A P T E R 4
Basic Control Panel Operation
Above Ground Model 250i Motorcycle Dynamometer Installation Guide
The emergency stop/dyno shutdown button is designed to deactivate the dyno outputs
whenever the button is pressed or the external E-Stop circuit is opened. When E-Stop
is activated the blowers will be turned off, the power carriage will stop, and the wheel
clamp will stop. The starter will be deactivated as well as the AFR air pump. If the
dyno is properly equipped with the air brake option, the air brake will be applied
stopping the dyno drum. During an E-Stop condition the Status Indicator light will be
flashing with two short blinks on and long pause off.
control panel feature
Air Fuel Ratio Air Pump
This optional accessory allows control of the internal air pump of
the air fuel ratio sampling system.
Emergency Stop/Dyno Shutdown
Deactivates the dyno outputs whenever the button is pressed or
the external E-Stop circuit is opened. Refer to page 4-4 for more
High Pressure Blowers (Blowers)
This optional accessory allows you to toggle the blowers on and
off to control the temperature of the bike. Refer to page 4-5 for
more information.
Power Carriage
This accessory requires the CPI and battery to operate. The
power carriage allows you to move the bike forward and
backward by remote control to center the bike's rear tire on the
dyno drum. Refer to page 4-6 for more information.
Allows for spinning up the dyno drum to bump start bikes that
may not have a starter. Refer to page 4-6 for more information.
Status Indicator
Provides information on the status of the CPI control and the
various inputs to the CPI.
Wheel Clamp
This optional accessory requires the CPI and battery to operate.
The wheel clamp allows for quicker loading and unloading of the
bike. Refer to page 4-7 for more information.