Base fixing to player board
The DV-505 can be fixed to player board simply by nailing
its unit base plate with four wood screws provided to each
Relax slide stopper and turn slide knob to lift main arm to
a height where cartridge stylus won't scratch turntable.
Then move arm base to where turntable spindle smoothly
fits in with spindle hole in template.
When spindle and hole so fit, and at the same time main
arm is situated right above arm rest, part of base plate not
overshadowed (overlapped) by turntable (see illustration)
is available for screw drive-through.
Base position so determined, drill convenient screw holes
in player board and fix base plate onto it with wood screws
* In case that player board has not insulator, or if the user
wants to set the DV-505 without fixing to player board. Put
the rubber sheet (supplied) under the base plate. (At usual
conditions of use, this is not necessary.)
Arm height adjusting
With slide stopper relaxed, height of arm can be adjusted
by turning slide knob. But as arm slowly sinks by itself
when slide stopper is loosened, an easy way to adjust arm
height is, first lift arm to maximum height, then let arm sink
while holding stopper between fingers, and finally fasten
stopper just when arm comes down to right place.
Arm must be just so high that sub arm may precisely
parallel record disk surface.