Auto Accompaniment
Allows you to play a complete style arrangement when you play three or four fingered chords in the
left range of the keyboard split.
Major: C
Minor: Cm
Dominant 7: C7
Minor 7th: Cm7
Major 7th: CM 7
Augmented: Caug
Diminished: Cdim
Suspended 4: Csus4
Minor 7
5: Cm7-5
Dominant Sus4: C7sus4
Dominant Diminished:C7dim
Dominant Augmented:C7aug
Minor Add 9th: Cm9
Minor Major 7th 5: CmM7-5
Minor Major 7th: CmM7
Dominant 7th 5: C7-5
Suspended 2: Csus2
Major 7th Augmented:CM7aug
5th: C 5
6th: C6
Minor 6th: Cm6
Add 9th : C9