NorthStar SLIM Tach
SL85 Instruction Manual
DYNAPAR +1.800.873.8731
2.1.2 Thru-Shaft Pulse Wheel Installation
Rotate the pulsewheel so the stamped letter “Z” or “This Side Out” is visible, away from the motor. Slide the pulse
wheel onto the motor shaft. Push the wheel along the shaft until the edge of the pulsewheel is flush with the machined
recess in the encoder frame. See Figure 4. It is recommended to use a straight edge for this purpose. For best results,
align the two surfaces to within ±0.010 inch. The purpose of this step is to properly center the pulsewheel under the
a. Clamp Style
With the pulsewheel properly aligned, use a 9/64 inch hex wrench to tighten the #8 socket head cap screw
in the pulsewheel clamp to a nominal 30 inch-pounds.
b. Set Screw Style
With the pulsewheel properly aligned, use a 9/64 inch hex wrench to tighten (2) 8-32 UNC set screws with
nominal torque.
Be sure the wheel does not have excessive wobble greater than 0.010 inch. Rotate the motor shaft by hand. It should
freely rotate and not touch the frame at any time. If everything is mechanically correct, the resulting sensor to
pulsewheel air gap will be a nominal 0.019 inch.
4. Position the encoder cover over the mounted encoder frame. Insert and tighten four Phillips head screws. This completes
the mechanical mounting of the unit.
The picture below shows how to align the pulse wheel
on the SL85. The pulse wheel is aligned the same way
for both the End-Of-Shaft and Thru-Shaft models. Be
sure the letter “Z” and “This Side Out” are visible
on the face of the pulse wheel after installation.
Detail of
that must
be flush.
Figure 4: Pulse Wheel Orientation