Dymo Label Manager 210D Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5


About Your New Label Maker

With the DYMO LabelManager 10D electronic label maker, you can create a wide variety of 

high-quality, self-adhesive labels. You can choose to print your labels in many different font 

sizes and styles. The label maker uses DYMO D1 tape cassettes in widths of 6 mm, 9 mm, or  

1 mm. These tape cassettes are available in a wide range of colors.


 for information on obtaining labels and accessories for your label 


Product Registration



 to register your label maker online.

Getting Started

Follow the instructions in this section to print your first label.

Connecting the Power

The label maker is powered by standard batteries or an AC power adapter. To save power, 

the label maker automatically turns off after two minutes of inactivity.

Inserting the Batteries

The label maker uses six high-capacity AA alkaline 


To insert the batteries

Slide the battery compartment cover away from 

the label maker. See Figure .

Insert the batteries following the polarity 

markings (+ and –).

Replace the cover.


Remove the batteries if the label maker will not be used for a 

long period of time.




Figure 2

LM210D_manual_UK-WEU.indd   5

28-06-2007   10:03:34

Содержание Label Manager 210D

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Страница 2: ...Using the Label Maker for the First Time 7 Getting to Know the Label Maker 7 Power 7 LCDDisplay 8 Format 8 Insert 8 Settings 8 CAPSMode 8 NumLock 9 Backspace 9 Clear 9 NavigationKeys 9 Cancel 9 Formatting Your Label 9 ChangingtheFontSize 9 AddingFontStyles 10 AddingBordersandUnderlineStyles 10 CreatingTwo LineLabels 11 AligningtheText 11 CreatingFixed LengthLabels 12 UsingMirrorText 12 ...

Страница 3: ...rinting Options 14 PreviewingYourLabel 14 PrintingMultipleLabels 15 AdjustingthePrintContrast 15 Using the Label Maker Memory 15 SavingaLabel 15 OpeningSavedLabels 16 InsertingSavedText 16 Caring for Your Label Maker 16 Troubleshooting 18 DYMO D1 Label Cassettes 19 Power Adapter 19 Documentation Feedback 20 Environmental Information 21 ...

Страница 4: ...ear 3 Save 11 Spacebar 19 Recall 4 OK 12 Insert 20 Navigation 5 Numberlock 13 CAPS 21 LCDdisplay 6 Backspace 14 Format 22 Cancel 7 Currency 15 Settings 23 Preview 8 Return 16 Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 19 21 22 23 Figure 1 LabelManager 210D Electronic Label Maker ...

Страница 5: ...ation Visitwww dymo com registration toregisteryourlabelmakeronline GettingStarted Followtheinstructionsinthissectiontoprintyourfirstlabel Connecting the Power ThelabelmakerispoweredbystandardbatteriesoranACpoweradapter Tosavepower thelabelmakerautomaticallyturnsoffaftertwominutesofinactivity Inserting the Batteries Thelabelmakerusessixhigh capacityAAalkaline batteries To insert the batteries Slid...

Страница 6: ... source Otherwise yourmostrecentmemorysettingswill belost Inserting the Tape Cassette Yourlabelmakercomeswithonetapecassette Youcan purchaseadditionaltapecassettesfromyourlocal officesupplyretailer To insert the tape cassette Liftthetapecassettecovertoopenthetape compartment SeeFigure3 xBeforeusingthelabelmakerfor thefirsttime removetheprotective cardboardinsertfromthetapeexitslot SeeFigure4 Inser...

Страница 7: ...rtedinthelabelmaker Youarenowreadytoprintyourfirstlabel To print a label Entertexttocreateasimplelabel PressG Selectthenumberofcopies Press toprint Pressthecutterbuttontocutthelabel Congratulations Youprintedyourfirstlabel Continuereadingtolearnmoreaboutthe optionsavailableforcreatinglabels GettingtoKnowtheLabelMaker Becomefamiliarwiththelocationofthefeatureandfunctionkeysonyourlabelmaker RefertoF...

Страница 8: ...he2keydisplaystheFontSize ClearFormat Mirror LabelLength Alignment Underline Borders andStylesubmenus Theseformattingfeaturesaredescribedlaterin thisUserGuide Insert The8keyallowsyoutoinsertsymbolsorsavedtextonyourlabel Thesefeaturesare describedlaterinthisUserGuide Settings TheIkeydisplaystheLanguage Units LabelWidth andContrastmenuselections ThesefeaturesaredescribedlaterinthisUserGuide CAPS Mod...

Страница 9: ...ngtheleftandrightarrowkeys Youcanalsonavigate throughmenuselectionsusingtheupanddownarrowkeys andthenpress tomake aselection Cancel The7keyallowsyoutoexitfromamenuwithoutmakingaselectionortocancelanaction FormattingYourLabel Youcanchoosefromanumberofformattingoptionstoenhancetheappearanceofyourlabels Changing the Font Size Sixfontsizesareavailableforyourlabels ExtraSmall Small Medium Large ExtraLa...

Страница 10: ...ers Stylescanbeusedwithalphanumeric charactersandsomesymbols To set the font style Press2 SelectStyleandpress Selectafontstyleandpress Adding Borders and Underline Styles Youcanhighlightyourtextbychoosingaborderorunderlinestyle Underline Parchment Square Callout Rounded Flowers Edged Crocodile Pointed Alabelcanbeunderlinedorenclosedinaborder butnotbothtogether 1 ...

Страница 11: ...lined Creating Two Line Labels Youcanprintamaximumoftwolinesonlabels To create a two line label TypethetextforthefirstlineandpressD Amulti linesymbol ëisinsertedattheendofthefirstline butwillnotprintonthe label Typethetextforthesecondline PressGtoprint Aligning the Text Youcanalignthetexttoprintcentered leftjustified orrightjustifiedonthelabel The defaultalignmentiscentered To change the alignment...

Страница 12: ...abellengthforthistext Youcanchooseafixedlengthlabelupto400mmlong To make your label a fixed length Pressthe2key SelectLabel Lengthandpress SelectFixedandpress Selectthelengthforyourlabelandpress Using Mirror Text Themirrorformatallowsyoutoprinttextwhichreadsfromrighttoleft asyouwouldsee itinamirror To turn on mirror text Pressthe2key SelectMirrorandpress SelectOnandpress UsingSymbolsandSpecialChar...

Страница 13: ...dpress Selectthesymbolcategoryandpress Usetheleftandrightarrowkeystomovetoyourdesiredsymbol Theleftandrightarrowsmovehorizontallyalongarowofsymbols Theupanddown arrowkeysscrollverticallythroughtherowsofsymboltypes Whenyoulocatethesymbol press toaddthesymboltoyourlabel 1 4 ...

Страница 14: ...selectedasthelanguageandyoupresstheletter a youwillsee a à â æandsoonthroughallthevariationsavailable Thecharactervariationsandthe orderinwhichthevariationsappeardependonthelanguageyouuse To add accented characters Press Theaccentedcharacterindicatorisshownonthedisplay Pressanalphacharacter Theaccentvariationsaredisplayed Whenthedesiredaccentedcharacterappears waitafewsecondsforthecursortomove bey...

Страница 15: ...othedefaultvalueof1 Adjusting the Print Contrast Youcanadjusttheprintcontrasttofinetunetheprintqualityofyourlabel To set the contrast PressI SelectContrastandpress Usethearrowkeystoselectacontrastsettingbetween 1 lesscontrast and 5 more contrast andpress UsingtheLabelMakerMemory Thelabelmakerhasapowerfulmemoryfeaturethatallowsyoutosavethetextofupto ninefrequently usedlabels Youcanrecallsavedlabels...

Страница 16: ...isdisplayedtoconfirmyouwanttooverwritethecurrentlabel Press Thefirstmemorylocationisdisplayed Usethearrowkeystoselectalabeltoopenandpress Toclearamemorylocation firstselectamemorylocationandthenpress Clear Inserting Saved Text Youcaninsertthetextofasavedlabelintothecurrentlabel Onlythesavedtextis inserted nottheformatting To insert saved text Positionthecursoratthelocationinthecurrentlabelwhereyou...

Страница 17: ...deeach timeyoureplacethetapecassette To clean the cutter blade Removethetapecassette Pressandholddownthecutterbuttontoexposethecutter blade SeeFigure6 Useacottonballandalcoholtocleanbothsidesoftheblade To clean the print head Removethetapecassette Removethecleaningtoolfrominsidethelabelcompartmentcover Gentlywipethepaddedsideofthetoolacrosstheprinthead SeeFigure6 1 1 Figure 6 Printhead Cutter butt...

Страница 18: ...rmance Cleanthecutterblade SeeCaring for Your Label Maker Printing Noactionrequired Messagedisappearswhenprinting isfinished Too many characters Exceededmaximumnumberofcharacters Deletesomeorallofthetext Too many lines Exceedmaximumnumberoflines Delete alinetofitonthetapewidth Insertawidertapecassette Batteriesalmostdischarged ReplacebatteriesorconnectACpoweradapter Tape Jam Motorisstalledduetolab...

Страница 19: ...Black Blue ___ S0720710 40916 S0720560 45016 Black Red ___ S0720720 40917 S0720570 45017 Black Yellow S0720790 43618 S0720730 40918 S0720580 45018 Black Green ___ S0720740 40919 S0720590 45019 White Clear ___ ___ S0720600 45020 White Black ___ ___ S0720610 45021 Width Length 6 mm 3 5 m 9 mm 3 5 m 12 mm 3 5 m Flexiblelabelsfor curvedsurfaces ___ ___ S0718040 16957 Width Length 6 mm 5 5 m 9 mm 5 5 m...

Страница 20: ...yourfeedback Productname versionnumber andpagenumber Briefdescriptionofcontent instructionsthatareinaccurateorunclear areaswhere moredetailisneeded andsoon Wealsowelcomeyoursuggestionsaboutadditionaltopicsyouwouldliketoseecoveredin thedocumentation Sendemailmessagesto documentation dymo com Pleasekeepinmindthatthisemailaddressisonlyfordocumentationfeedback Ifyouhave atechnicalquestion pleasecontac...

Страница 21: ...urend of life equipmentinanenvironmentallysoundway Thecrossed binsymbolmarkedonyourdeviceindicatesyoushouldusethesesystems Ifyouneedmoreinformationonthecollection reuse andrecyclingofthisproduct please contactyourlocalorregionalwasteadministration Youcanalsocontactusformoreinformationontheenvironmentalperformanceofour products ThisproductisCEmarkedinaccordancewiththeEMCdirectiveandthelowvoltagedir...

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Страница 23: ...0 581 93 80 Sverige 08 632 00 57 31 20 581 93 80 Norge 22 97 17 10 31 20 581 93 80 Danmark 35 25 65 08 31 20 581 93 80 Suomi 09 229 07 04 31 20 581 93 80 Italia 02 45 28 13 08 31 20 581 93 80 España 91 662 31 49 31 20 581 93 80 Portugal 21 120 61 64 31 20 581 93 80 Polska 022 349 15 02 31 20 581 93 80 Magyar 01 777 49 31 31 20 581 93 80 Česká republika 239 000 448 31 20 581 93 80 Slovenská republi...

Страница 24: ...24 2007 DYMO A Newell Rubbermaid company DYMO bvba Industriepark Noord 30 9100 Sint Niklaas Belgium www dymo com 931264 _3 ...
