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frequency is the minimum distance between the Active antennas and any transmit
antennas. If that distance is less and high power is used, then the Time Variable
Sequence Unit, model DXE-TVSU-1A (or B) must be used to interrupt power to the
AVA-2 units.
2) Damaged Receive Eight Circle unit due to lightning. This has been reported only a
couple of times and is not very likely.
3) Active units that were damaged by animals. Once we received actives damaged by
an animal that relieved themselves on the antenna whips and AVA units, as if they
were “trees”.
The above items are the most common failure points in the system needed to be checked.
If necessary, the following further troubleshooting procedure may assist in finding the malfunction.
Receive Eight Circle Control Troubleshooting Procedure
1) Test the modified
Control Console unit, which should be connected only to the
control lines of the Receive Eight Circle System. When the modified DXE-
connected to the control cable, do all of the selected switch position LEDs light normally?
2) When rotating the modified DXE-CC-8A Control Console switch from position 1, 2, 3 and 4, if
all LEDs light normally, measure BCD output voltages. Nominally, +12. Connections A, B, C
and D, reference to the ground pin G as shown below. The selected position will supply the
BCD logic voltage as shown in the chart below.